Monday, November 14, 2016

“Antarctic sea ice may be a source of mercury in southern ocean fish and birds”

Mercury is found both as a naturally-occurring and introduced contaminant. Its toxic effect depends on its chemical form and the exposure route, with methylmercury (CH3Hg) being the most toxic form1. Exposure to methylmercury is almost entirely through ingesting contaminated fish, and since this particular chemical form is absorbed more readily and processed more slowly than other forms, it can have significant effects on the immune system, nervous system, and genetic processes. Developing embryos are especially susceptible to the dangers of methylmercury, since they are five to ten times more sensitive to exposure than adults1. Sources of mercury include coal combustion, metal mining/processing, medical/industrial waste, geologic deposits, ocean volatilization, and volcanoes. However, atmospheric deposition is the main source of mercury in most environments. Its ability to circulate widely and persist in the atmosphere accounts for its wide-spread distribution, and explains its concentrations in Antarctic. Once deposited, inorganic mercury can undergo methylation by anaerobic bacteria, and subsequently get transformed into methylmercury2. is an online science, research, and technology news source. An article published on August 1, 2016 entitled “Antarctic sea ice may be a source of mercury in southern ocean birds”3 outlined the findings of a study conducted by researchers at the University of Melbourne. It started off by stating the main results of the study; that sea-ice bacteria are converting mercury into methylmercury, and that it’s making its way into fish and birds. It then briefly explains the methods of the study; the investigators spent two months collecting sea ice samples from the Antarctic, later analyzing them for four different forms of mercury and microorganism protein and DNA. Throughout the article, there were snippets of background information and implications, mostly through short quotes from the investigators. At the end of the article, the writer identified the main finding and implication of the study. Nitrospina is the genus of Antarctic sea-ice bacteria that is responsible for the methylation of mercury. Is it also responsible for the methylmercury found in other regions? What’s going to happen once seafood companies start harvesting closer the Antarctic?
The purpose of the study was to uncover methylation and volatilization pathways in polar marine environments4. Prior to this study, the identity of a mercury-methylating microorganism (defined as those with the hgc genes) in the polar regions was unknown. Researchers at University of Melbourne collaborated with scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. They spent two months collecting snow, ice, brine, and sea water from five pack-ice stations during an expedition conducted by the Australian Antarctic Division. Back at the lab, they used metagenomic sequencing and bioinformatic analysis of the microbial DNA extracted from the ice and brine samples to identify the genus responsible for mercury methylation. The researchers were specifically looking for the functional genes hgcA and hgcB, which give rise to mercury methylation capabilities. They identified Nitrospina as the bacterial genus, and concluded that sea ice had higher concentrations of inorganic mercury and methyl-mercury compared to deep sea water, indicative of atmospheric deposition. Along with the ones highlighted in the article, the discovery of mercury methylation in well-oxygenated polar surface waters in other studies also holds important implications. How much does polar mercury methylation contribute to global mercury methylation? How will this concentration change with global warming and melting ice caps?
          Overall, for the purposes of, I think this article did its job. The writer did a good job of inserting relevant quotes from the researchers throughout the article to provide background. Where there was a lack of relevant quote, the author added a quick sentence clarifying some concepts. However, the article failed to mention one of the most important findings of the article – that, although most known mercury methylation is attributed to strict anaerobes, mercury methylators have now been found in the well-oxygenated polar waters.
Since a lot of criticism from previous blog posts lies with click-bait article titles, I was curious to see how this type of outlet would fare. From its “About Me” page, it specifically states that “ stories go beyond mere catchy jargon…Our job is to find the interesting science and technology stories, uncover the details, and give our readers a daily dose of news”6. With that in consideration, I give this article a 9/10.



  1. Interesting article, Kesiree! I wonder, does the bacteria need the ice as a habitat/surface in order to convert Hg into the methylated form? Or can the bacteria survive and convert Hg in open water as well?

    1. Thanks for your comment, Aubrey! Most studies have found that methylation in sediment is the main source of methyl-mercury in aquatic environments. However, more recent studies (including the one I reviewed) have discovered that the actual water column may host methylating bacteria and may contribute to almost 50% of the methyl-mercury present in Arctic waters. So I believe the answer to your question is yes, recent research is suggesting that bacteria can convert mercury in the open water.

      Check out this study for more info:*~hmac=aeed5a9170a84fc48d840089bb9080937cad934076ad181233f06ffba54beebc

  2. Interesting article, Kesiree! I wonder, does the bacteria need the ice as a habitat/surface in order to convert Hg into the methylated form? Or can the bacteria survive and convert Hg in open water as well?

  3. I find it very interesting that these researchers have identified a bacteria that can methylate mercury. I wonder why these bacteria evolved to have this ability and what the evolutionary benefit it has for them. Also, are researchers looking into the contribution these bacteria have to the overall production of methyl mercury. If this contribution is significant, is there anything that can be done to minimize the growth of these bacteria?

    1. Thanks for your comment, Liz! You ask a very good question, as it's a question that continues to puzzle researchers today. The subject matter of mercury-methylating bacteria is a relatively new one, as the genomes of known methylators have only recently become available, so there is currently pretty limited genetic research. Additionally, the actual hcgAB gene was only recently discovered as a potential biomarker for methylmercury generation.

      So the short answer to your question is: Since it's still a relatively new discovery, the evolutionary connection, reaction mechanism, and overall contributions to global methyl mercury production is still being researched.

      Check out this PPT by the DOE if you're interested in learning more:

  4. Really nice article Kesiree! I never would have thought that under polar conditions, any type of volatilization would present an issue, especially due to such low temperatures, so its interesting to see that this study had a focus in that area. Really interesting how there are bacteria that can live off things that are toxic to humans, or live under conditions that we couldn't.

    1. Thanks Max! I totally agree with you. I've always been fascinated by extremophiles and what we can learn from them.
